
Hypnotherapy is a relaxed meditative state where you are completely in control of yourself. With the help of guided imagery, you can unlock the cause of troublesome challenges. With this new understanding and awareness, natural healing then unfolds. When we breathe deeply and relax, we shift into the right brain where we can access more than the usual 8-10% of our brain. In the right brain, we can access unlimited knowledge about ourselves and our situations. This is a relaxed and heightened state of awareness. You are always in control of yourself. You may open your eyes at any time. This technique can be used for: improving memory, releasing trauma, and increasing spiritual awareness. Resolve: addictions, fears, anger, grief, stress, and heartbreaks.

Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression is the cause of our challenges might have occurred in another time and space. The same issue will continue to arise in our health, our relationships and finances until the root of the issue is resolved. Most likely your soul has experienced a similar situation you find yourself in now. Imagine your Higher Self as the center of a bicycle wheel and all your lifetimes as the spokes of the wheel.

All of your past and future lives are influencing this present moment. You most likely have had the same relationships of family, friends, lovers, co-workers and even foes. When we understand archetypal patterns, it is easier to navigate in the present time.

Through understanding these patterns:
Karmic connections can be resolved
Previous injuries, trauma and illness can be relieved
Retrieve abilities, talents, health, wealth and possibilities
Fascinating insights and information about your soul identity is revealed
Mind blowing details can be researched

Grief Therapy
Communicating With Heaven
Grief Therapy/Mediumship/Life Purpose/Relationships
You have an entire Spiritual Team around you every moment of your life. They are your angels, masters, loved ones, ancestors, and guides. Just like you would like to know the answers, they want you to know also.

You can communicate with them clearly and ask them about your health, finances, life purpose, relationships, career, achieving goals … anything.
This is also a very cool way to meet your ancestors and other biological relatives (both here and from beyond.)

Self Diagnosis
You know something is not feeling right, yet, doctors and test results cannot explain why this is. In a heightened state of awareness, you can access the cause and cure. What does your body, mind and spirit want you to know?

Ask your Higher Self how to achieve the best way of overcoming your:
– addiction – physical weight – anger – stress – procrastination – mysterious symptoms, pre/post surgery – change thought patterns – etc.