
Getting back on track with your relative, friend, and lover

Relationships can create the most frustrating and complex challenges in your life.
Ideally, you would like to have harmony, mutual respect, love and appreciation. Yet, it is all too often that you may feel like you are the main participant and doing the other person’s work ~ in addition to your own responsibilities.

You are a very giving person and it feels good to be so generous. Yet now, it feels more like someone depleting you as they take what you once may have given freely.

Sometimes the ones, whom we are in a relationship with, may not be truthful, respectful or practical. This alone can make your world feel up-side-down. There’s too much interference and baggage to communicate effectively.

There IS a way to cut through all of this interference by Communicating with Their Higher Self.
Your loved one’s Higher Self is the part of them that is:
Truthful. Angelic. Gentle. Respectful. & Receptive to hear your deepest feelings and desires.

Past Life Regression is also fantastic to deeply re-connect and understand your imbedded programs and patterns. The same relatives, friends, lovers and even foes repeat the same patterns with you. Ironically, it is said, ‘those wronged us the most, are also the ones who love us the most because they choose to play out these karmic lessons with us’.

A very powerful, transformational shift takes place when we truly realize we take turns being the villain and the victim. ALL of our relationships and interactions with others is a mirror for our self awareness. When we see these patterns from a higher perspective, it is significantly easier to break through the endless karmic cycles.

Ending a relationship

Cord Cutting / Energy Healing When we have a relationship with someone, positive and negative “cords” are created. These cords are connecting our energy centers (chakras) with theirs. [With positive cords, you can increase your telepathy with them and sense when there may be trouble, etc. A negative cord can be used to manipulate and drain you.] The negative ones are removed to promote health and re-establish self empowerment.

In addition, during arguments, your electromagnetic field / aura can be torn open. This causes you to be susceptible to illness and injury as you are physically and emotionally drained.